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1. Jiusheng Doll Body Shapes

2. Doll Skin Tone

3. Movable Jaw And Oral Option

4. Built-in tongue

5. Auto Sucking Vagina

6. Hair Implants

7. Jiusheng Sex Doll Heads

8. Jiusheng Doll Factory Photos

Jiusheng Doll Body Shapes

Jiusheng Tpe Doll Body Shapes

Jiusheng Silicone Doll Body Shapes

Doll Skin Tone

Movable Jaw And Oral Option

All silicone heads from Jiusheng can be made with a soft head option that includes an oral cavity. Currently, only the #2 Coco, #3 Lisa, #28 Gabriela, and #63 Bianca heads offer the Movable Jaw feature.

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Built-in tongue

The Built-in tongue enhances the doll’s facial expressions, and the oral cavity with the Built-in tongue is also suitable for oral sex. The Built-in tongue is available for all TPE heads and soft silicone heads.

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Silicone and TPE Doll Auto Sucking Vagina

Silicone and TPE Doll Auto Sucking Vagina

This option is only available for bodies above 145cm. It is available on fixed vagina only. Selecting this option anal is not available. Silicone and TPE Doll Auto Sucking Vagina function includes sucking, vibrating, and moaning.

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Hair Implants

By default, the hard silicone head comes with implanted eyebrows and eyelashes. However, if you want your love doll to look even more realistic, you can choose the hair implanted option. This will make the doll’s appearance resemble that of a real woman.

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[advanced_iframe src=”″ id=”advanced_iframe” name=”advanced_iframe” width=”350″ height=”618″ title=”手工植睫毛”]

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Jiusheng Sex Doll Heads

Jiusheng Doll Factory Photos

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